That link can change over time as it has a few times before. That's why I only reference to look for his thread, and it's right up top on his first post.
I will personally comment: On zpool: there are good days and bad days. Just the same as any other pool. But Ill repeat; the good days outweigh the bad days. If you were on the lyra2v2 port; you would feel this issue 10x as more like I did before I swapped to skien.
The EXACT point when people started accusing zpool of stealing is when the altcoin market was reaching it's all time low and BTC was worth just a little over $200. It's easy to blame the pool when you have a lack of knowledge. Around this same time, the pool code was updated, and the graphs were now showing the rejects on the graph as well. This freaked the living crap out of people because it wasn't relative to the coin's hashrate; one reject on a very low hashrate algo (like cpu algos) would cause the whole graph to be superseded by the larger valued reject number (1-10% instead of the share of .01%, etc). Through this time, people were pointing wild fingers, and probably blaming the pool for them being on a non-profitable algo.
Remember; people create their own optimized miners and run them to get a better cut of the earnings: more profit from your pocket. when you finally catch up, suddenly it doesn't seem so bad. This is another VERY key element to this madness.
Third: PEople base shit off of SPECULATION posted on other sites that do contain a LARGE amount of POSSIBLE error since it is going across many platforms and algos that all contain their own errors and thus it can compound the error GREATLY. This, with enough research and critical thinking can be seen and understood; on top of being logical. I.E. the people who have personally told me that whattomine reported less earnings than they actually received.
Now; let's consider the troll factor: Whales buy, and convince you to get on board enough for them to sell at a profit. Who runs whattomine?
Where were their profit stakes at those points in time? Would it make sense to sway people away from what you want to do so you can buy in lower, then recommend it later to sell higher?
this makes PERFECT and REASONABLE sense.
You guys have to look past what's in front of you and look deeper to what you don't fully understand. You can't form a conclusion on your math for yesterday, just because your test of the next day came out different then the day before.... etc. Remember; I keep repeating: The good days outweigh the bad. It fluctuates.
I do remember seeing one test that bothered me; which was someone mining a one coin algo, earning ~90-95% of the rewards, getting paid out in that specific coin, and getting paid less than originally was unconfirmed..... But considering the pool gets paid in BTC.... some has to be exchanged to equal the pool's percentage... which means selling at lower than market "sell" rates and fulfilling a lower buy order in order to payout the pool and the miner..... making a minimum sized sell order, etc.... it adds up. That's one way I could have understood that happening.... but also; the guy was not 100% of shares.... so his diagnostic was flawed, because he was basing his hypothesis on how the pool works on solely that concept (I should have gotten all the rewards, which is false).
Another thing I keep mentioning, and seeing, is when pool hashrate for an algo crests a certain amount; profitability drops a bit and luck smooths out to being less noticeable just like when difficulty shoots up.. When the skien pool was 10-30Gh, I was making a killing. Now that hashrate is ~10x that, It's less profit; and the coins are worth buttloads more (DGB anyone?). This is a complete fact in my eyes. I am almost thinking of getting a group of people on board for a test; see if crackfoo will create a second skien wallet, on a separate port, and have ~10-20Gh of hash dedicated to that port only. We can compare this to the high hash port and test my hypothesis..... But I am still working out the details on this. When I was making ~10-15% pool hashrate on the same gear I am running now; (before calling you guys to come earn) I seriously made a killing compared to any other algo and profitability went over 0.007mbtc/mh/day.
Sorry for caps guys, but it's for emphasis and I don't feel like adding
all over the place..[/code]