After chasing up this problem and trying to solve it over the last few weeks, I've tried virtually everything short of re-programing the firmware on my miners, which I cannot do - obviously.
Darn it!!!! Right after I went to sleep, it takes a piss! AAarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!
I wonder if GridSeed engineers left this but in their miners' firmware?
Has anyone been running their GridSeed Farm 24/7 stably WITHOUT ANY INTERVENTION WHATSOEVER?
IF so, please tell me what your configuration is so WE can all set these things and not have to worry about this elusive little bug!!!?
Has anyone come up with a macro to take care of detecting the hault then restarting each miner in cpuminer?
All I need is for it to monitor the window of each miner and when it stops producing yay's for say, 3 or so minutes, it stops the program without closing the window, resets the port, then restarts each miner 5 seconds apart.
What Platform are using to control the units?
I don't touch my gridseeds unless someone is leasing and asks for a change to be made. I have 1 of mine and 2 customer units leased out on leaserig as well with no complaints.