Actually the guide i sent you seems pretty good, it has all the details from A to Z and there may be no need for you to write a new one, you could probably just include the guide in the OP.
Finally, I updated the first post with a guide you found. One more time thanks for your help.
This is a very detailed step by step guide with screens and could be used by many different masternodes setups. No Ubuntu or Linux knowledge needed.
1. Firstly go to
Vultr and get an account.
2. Click on the + to “Deploy New Server”.
3. Choose your “Server Location”, choosing the closest place to you, this should minimize ping times.
4. Choose “Server Type”, choose “Windows 2016 x64”.
5. Choose “Server Size”, usually the most basic size will do, choose “20 GB SSD/1 CPU/512MB Memory/500GB Bandwidth”.
6. On “Additional Features” I always choose only “Enable IPv6" (don't know why to be honest).
7. On “Server Hostname & Label”, put the name you want for your VPS.
8. And finally, click on “Deploy Now”
9. Wait until the “Status” of your VPS says “Running”, then click on “View Console”.
10. You will get a screen as below, click on “Send CtrlAltDel”.
11. Click on the icon of “Ease of access”, then choose “On-Screen-Keyboard. This will save you hours of frustration, facilitates typing the correct characters in the password.
12. Go back to, click on “Server Details”.
13. Click on “Show Password”.
14. Use the password from step #13 to access your VPS. Use On-Screen Keyboard so you don’t waste time typing incorrect characters.
15. Launch “Internet Explorer”, choose “Internet Options”, then click on “Security” tab, de-select “Enable Protected Mode”.
16. Then click on “Custom level…” button, look for option “File download”, and “Enable” it. Then click “OK”, click “Apply”, and lastly click “OK”
17. On “Internet Explorer” address bar, go to, and download and install Opera.
18. Once “Opera” is fully installed, and is open, go to your coin website and download and install it.
The steps below suppose that you have already downloaded your desired Wallet to your VPS and have the necessary collateral to run a masternode (X amount of coins). You can buy the collateral needed in exchange were your coin is listed.
19. On the wallet click on “Tools” -> “Debug Console”.
Enter the command:
masternode genkey and copy the output on a Notepad.
Enter the command:
getnewaddress and copy the output on a Notepad.
20. Send the amount needed for masternodes collateral of (X amount of coins) to the address that you just generated.
Copy the Transaction ID (TXid).
Wait at least 20 confirmations (if you attempt to start your masternode before you get 20 confirmations, your masternode won’t work and you have to restart procedure).
21. Now you need the Transaction Out (TXout), this gets the proof of your masternode collateral transaction.
Open the “Console Debug” and enter the command:
masternode outputsCheck that transaction is the same as previous step and copy the result of Outputidx in your .txt file, or your Notepad of step #19.
22. Go to your “NAME OF COIN” system folder and edit the “NAMEOFCOIN.conf” file with your masternode information. Easiest way to find the this file it to go to the wallet of your coin, go to “Tools”, you will have either “Open Wallet Configuration File”, or “Show Automatic Backups”, if “Open Wallet Configuration File” exists, click on it, if it does not exist, click on “Show Automatic Backups”.
23. If from step #22 you had to choose, “Show Automatic Backups”, this step applies for you. Click on the name of the folder named after the coin, see red box below.
24. Access the conf file of your coin.
25. Now you have to enter the following information and save:
masternodeprivkey=YOUR_MASTERNODE_KEYa. YOUR_VPS_IP= you obtain it from your portal is below the name of your VPS.
b. bind= same as above.
c. masternodeaddr=same as above + :XXXXX (this is port number, specified by your coin)
d. masternodeprivkey= you obtained this number in step #19.
This is an alternate conf file of your coin, if option above does not work this, should do the trick.
rpcuser=random since this is disable, but needs to have something.
rpcpassword=random since this is disable, but needs to have something.
addnode=IP specified by your coin
addnode=IP specified by your coin
addnode=IP specified by your coin
port=XXXXX specified by your coin
staking=126. Now it’s time to get back to your Desktop Wallet, open it and click on:
“Tools” -> “Open Masternode Configuration File”.
In the ‘Masternode Configuration file’ we’ll need to input the following information:
MN Label:
VPS IP:Port:
Masternode genkey: (we generated previously on step #19).
TX id: (we generated previously on step #19).
TX out: (we generated previously on step #21).
27. Next, save the configuration file, close and restart your coin desktop wallet:
28. After restarting your Wallet, go to “Masternodes” Section, select your Masternode and click on “Start Alias”.
29. VERY IMPORTANT, go to “Control Panel” > “System and Security” > “System” choose “Remote settings”, and click on “Don’tallow remote connection to this computer”.
30. Don't forget to encrypt your wallet, create a backup, keep your VPS up to date with the latest drivers and latest antivirus version.
31. Increase security by setting account lockout policy, so if someone tried too many times, he’ll be locked out for a while. In your VPS, go to Start (“Windows” logo) on your VPS console, bottom left corner, type in “Local Security Policy”, then click on “Account Lockout Policy”, input “3” in “invalid login attempts”, then click “OK”.
Guide source: