A trick to search for plagiarism:While searching for the whole text with google often does the trick. I also use:
https://www.grammarly.com/plagiarism-checkerhttps://www.paperrater.com/plagiarism_checkerA really good (paid) plagiarism checker is:
https://www.quetext.comI often look for key phrases on google rather than the whole text - especially if it contains unusual spelling mistakes, poor grammar or an unusual phrase.
If you use hyphens "with your text" it will look for that specific phrase in that order.
The forum specific search work well using that method.
https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=016660200577587308545%3Aesf40ml9aag&ie=UTF-8&q=&sa=Google+search#gsc.tab=0A good example of this is:
"Your plans are clear and very transparent."
Would get all these results:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/your-plans-are-clear-and-very-transparent-plagiarism-4765022A trick to search for alts is to use:Their Bitcoin or Ethereum address for a search on the forum
https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=016660200577587308545%3Aesf40ml9aag&ie=UTF-8&q=&sa=Google+search#gsc.tab=0Keep in mind that very recent posts may not be indexed yet till later.
Also using their social media accounts to search. Facebook, Twitter and Telegram.
Spammers often use the same social media accounts in bounties because they have 5000 verified "friends".
So by searching for their social media account on bitcointalk you will often find their alts.
A good example of that method is here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.44008042Then use "ctrl" F and your search query to find it quickly on that page.
Often heavily spammed threads have a lot of deletions. So if you don't find it on that page - go back one or two pages with your search because posts may have been deleted since google indexed the pages.
If one of the alts has plagiarized it can result in all the alts getting banned if the alts are known. A good way to detect spam groups:Sometimes spammers use a cascade to "have a conversation". It is also a really good way to detect who their fellow spammers are.
A great technique is then to look for plagiarism among those spammers and get their accounts banned.
An example of this is here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/fake-conversations-same-users-on-different-icos-4793054Archive:Archive important findings. Scammers often delete posts - if it is archived it is much harder to deny it later.