Buy Level > -1
Sell Level < 1
Does that mean that between -1 and 1 you need to both buy and sell?
The ROC (or Rate of Change) is an indicator that shows you how much a currency has changed. To calculate this you need 2 reference point in the time-line. First an old position, lets say one of 10 positions back. And as second we take the current position. If you do: old_pos_price - new_pos_price = roc_value
So in case the -10 position (old_pos) was lower then the current price you will be getting a negative value. Eg: old_pos_price (90Usd) - new_pos_price (100Usd) = roc (-10) This must illustrate an currency is raising, so buy now! In case or -1 is means the ROC has to be -1 or less.
In case the old position was higher, it must indicate a dropping currency. So a positive value will be calculated, meaning sell now! In case of 1 for sell it means the difference between the prices must be 1 or more.
I can recommend to play with both the buy and sell levels and the old_pos, try some out and benchmark them to understand them.
BTW the difference between -1 and 1 is a black-spot. When the indicator gets in there it will send the Stay signal.
San1ty is right about this, it shows you when the buy or sell target price has been reached. At that moment the fields turn green. So those fields give you some more feedback about the tiggers used for the trade bot signal itself.
Thanks for explaining what happens behind the curtains, this will help me a lot!
On a side note, I don't think your RoC indicator is the same as the official RoC indicator that most of us know:
The same goes for how you calculate MACD, it should be: