Ever since Notcoin turned out to be good for its users, there have been so many Telegram mini-game projects developed on the Ton blockchain. Projects developed on Telegram will find it hard to list their token on a centralized exchange for their users to trade because they know if they list it early, they will not make enough money in their monetized videos on YouTube. I agree with you; most Telegram mini-game projects are farming their farmers because they keep releasing new videos for their community to watch. Anyone involved in Telegram mini-game projects should not expect anything big; nothing is guaranteed with such projects.
I do agree that it is not going to be all that big, but I do not agree that they will have hard time finding place to list. It takes very small amount of money to be listed at CEX in most cases, not binance maybe but you can be listed in many big name places for right amount of money. These days for as little as 5 bitcoins (and I know that sounds like a lot but these guys have millions of people working for them for free) they can be listed at top 20 exchanges.
And on top of that, if they show any good volume, they could actually be listed at Binance or coinbase too, and when that happens it is going to be quite big deal for them. The price may suck, but listing part I think will be done properly, it is going to be quite good.
We need to just keep improving on how to make it work, and if we can do that then things going to be quite good for everyone as well. The trick is that we are going to end up with something that may not be all that easy to handle when it actually starts. Remember, they have tens of millions of users, so airdrops to all of them, and then trading by all of them, will be a chaos on the early days. When that happens, there is a chance something could go wrong, which is a risk you always take with any big release.