So how much did OP lose actually? I am quite curious as to the full amount he did not say.
Apparently, this is a significant amount for him, if it is ~ 17% of his annual income.
The amount of the entire amount is not so important, since for people with different income levels, this will have a completely different meaning. For some it's not enough, for others it's a lot. The important thing is that this is his 2 months of work or ~17% of his annual income. So consider if a loss of 16-17% of income per year would be significant for your financial situation.
Either way, I know the feeling. I have lost more than 2 months of hard earned/saved money and most of it went towards not even a good game.
Sooner or later, every gambler is destined to face this feeling.
I wonder, do crypto casinos offer monthly spending limits? I think that would be a very good idea since a lot of people have developed gambling problems and need a way to stop their gambling losing streaks after a certain amount. I know I would definitely benefit from such a function.
I have doubts that crypto casinos will take this step, because it reduces their profitability. Why should they do something that directly affects profitability. I think it's more likely that casinos will make a monthly limit on winnings.
The online gambling casino would probably lose money like that, so I doubt they would offer such convenient services to their customers.