Hardware, you'll definitely need at least 16G for running all that, so that definitely rules out the Pi.
Yeah, that's mainly why I was looking at Orange Pi, which has 16 GB and 32 GB models.
Definitely don't use an Umbrel either (unless it can meet the RAM and storage requirements), especially if you want to run a bunch of custom stuff.
What do you mean by "an Umbrel"? Umbrel is software which can run on any device. I've not used it before but on reading about it seems like it would be perfect for my use case.
I have a RPi 4 with 8GB RAM running core, lnd, electrs, joinmarket yg, and btc-rpc-explorer. It runs a little warm and sometimes it is slow. I'm not sure it can handle much more than that, but I would love to hear from others who have tested its limits.
This is very useful, thank you. As I suspected, a Raspberry Pi would struggle to handle the additional non-bitcoin stuff I'm looking to run on it as well. What OS are you using on your Pi?
How about Intel NUC Kit (NUC Kit means you buy and place your own RAM and HDD/SDD and)? If you choose NUC Kit with low-watt CPU (15W TDP), disable turbo boost, slightly undervolt/clock the CPU and choose energy efficiency RAM and HDD/SSD, i expect it could use 20W or less during high load. As bonus, you don't need to worry about finding software which run on ARM CPU.
Not a bad idea at all. I'll look in to it a bit more.
Need more RAM for something with an SBC there is nothing you can do, with one of these micro PCs just buy another stick.
True, but I figured an Orange Pi 5 with 16 GB (or even 32 GB) would be capable of running what I've listed above. But maybe I will go down the micro PC route...