even if hf ships 1600 ghs mpp at the end of Feb (lol) he will still only get ~6
BTC per machine in 6 months, not even close to the 61
BTC he could have bought for the usd cost of each machine. I'm no investment expert but a 90% loss is not a good investment no matter which way you try to paint it.
I feel sorry for those that don't understand this.
Not quite.
Not buying something is not the same as taking a loss.
That's like saying everybody who bought BTC last year April for $100 and sold it later at $1000 made a 90% loss because if they instead bought TSLA June calls at that time they would have gotten $10'000 instead.
Hindsight is 20/20. It wasn't foreseeable that the rise would happen at the time it did. If BTC instead fell from $100 to $50, the hardware (even though it's late) would have been the better investment. Just because there were better investments available in hindsight, doesn't mean your investment was a loss.
If your personal risk tolerance is such that you don't like to hold on to BTC, then the BabyJet might still possibly be kind'a profitable-ish, even if BTC stays the same value from now on. For that matter, you can probably just sell your BabyJet on eBay as soon as you receive it and make a USD profit. That is still not a loss.
Now starting off with 60 BTC and intending to make back BTC on the other hand, is a different story. But only if you had the stomach to watch it rise all the way from $100 to $1000 without selling it. Most people would have liquidated after it doubled. 24 hour markets unfortunately makes it very tempting to take profit.
PS: Your genesisblock calculation assumes the equivalent of 110'000 KNC Neptunes (or 600'000 KNC Jupiter class hardware etc.) shipping over the next 6 months. I find that to be unlikely.