Hi MrTeal,
The Baby Jet comes with a Raspberry Pi running cgminer on Raspbian Linux.
More info here:
The Baby Jet ships with a built in Raspberry Pi model B. This acts as the controller for the one or two GN chips in the Baby Jet. The controller talks to the chips over its internal serial port. The Raspberry Pi will ship with an SD Card pre-loaded with the standard Debian/Linux derivative Raspbian OS, complete with CGMiner pre-installed. You can SSH into it to configure it, and install whatever other software you need. The Raspberry Pi’s Ethernet port and 2 USB ports are available on the back panel of the Baby Jet for you to connect to.
The Sierra needs something a little more powerful than the Pi. Any old 1U server, desktop, or laptop is fine. Even a newer Android tablet should work!
Thanks for confirming that for us - or for me as I apparently I was the only one who didn't know this.
One quick question though, does the rasp pi image come with a fancy web gui as well ? Not that It's needed, but I'm just curious to know.
Is that prevalent? I read somewhere that it's due to the way people restart/shutdown their systems.
@ninjarobot - is minepeon somehow inherently better at this, does it use the file system less? As far as I'm aware none of these custom linux distros were designed for an embedded environment and hence make normal use of the file system.