The essential part he is talking about :
The assumption is that you are investing $270 USD (which happens to correlate to 1BTC at the moment)
UMISOO $1.88
S2 $1.45
S3 $1.41
S4 $1.25
S5 $1.16
UMISOO is the best buy until it reaches price parity with S2, then S2 & UMISOO are evenly matched until 0.00036 at which point it's S3 all the way until S3 reaches 0.0007. After that point you are better off with PACMICS.
UMISOO still stuck @ 0,00024
BTC and
BTC 267
the whole thing is worth reading! --> doesn't make sense to me though. From what I am gathering, he is saying only buy the hash that returns the most profit per day. That won't work because with difficulty increases, UMISOO will probably be gone within a month or two (depending on many things), and it won't matter what your daily profit was, meanwhile S5 will be hashing long after the other units offered are gone.
Am I missing something?
as i gather from the information he doesn´t really "hold" gh/s. He is trading day to day and doesn´t care for ROI, because he is looking everyday at the stats to see on which market he can make at exactly that day with at 2XX
BTC the most money. And the next day he starts new. and so on and so on. you need to read both posts.
I have read both posts and I'm trying to understand all this market business.
I had seen the market tab before in hashnest site but did not really care for it because I don't understand it.
But now I'm looking to learn and understand it with your expert teaching
if possible
First, from what I read in wikis: If I have some bitcoins to spare, or from my mining revenue to reinvest I can buy some GHs on the market and increase my hashrate. The GHs I purchase become mine. Is this correct?
The same principal to sell, if I wish to sell 155ghs from my 1155ghs of my S5 I could. When sold I would only have 1000Ghs
What I still don't understand, perhaps because I have not clicked on buy or sell ( scared I break something
) is if I sell some Ghs who sets the price? Me?
The same the other way around, if I'm buying it would be the seller who sets the price.
After all this, I will then try to make sense of the making profit part by using the market to buy and sell.
Thanks in advance.