I am one of the few people who practice gambling as a recreational activity, so I have not had any luck winning large sums of money the number of times I have tried my luck. The largest amount was $100 that I got more than two years ago, but I make small profits that I spend all of it on bets to try out the features of the platforms I visit. The benefit I get is accumulating experience in dealing with gambling platforms in general, which qualifies me to participate in discussions on various social platforms and help others.
I had no interest in the gambling industry before the integration of cryptocurrencies. Because I am convinced that the gambling industry was one of the most important sectors that helped spread crypto culture, I will not stop supporting it.
Very well said and I completely agree with you, and we kind of share the same story, and this is why I know that you are totally honest with all that you have said.
For me, I think I only gambled, that is placed some bets on some lotto numbers, this I did I think twice or thrice before I completely stopped because it didn't actually capture my interest.
But when I got into crypto and later after some years discovered that I can actually gamble using crypto, I picked interest in gambling again.
Long story short is that, today, I gamble, but not all the time, and most of the time, I don't actually gamble with the full expections of winning money, but I often engage myself in gambling most of the time solely for the purpose of first hand experience, which also helps me to flawlessly participate in gambling discussions like we do on this forum and on this board.
This lead me to say that, gambling is not all about making money or gaining material things, but sometimes, we should be happy as gamblers even when their is no win, atleast, we can be glad for the experience.