If yes then it's imperatively to narrow down your eagerness, and activeness towards gambling as you have already fallen into addiction and if you find yourself into this conditions then you need to reduced.
People who are addicted will not know what to do unless their closest people know about the addiction and care enough to take them to a professional to start getting therapy so they can get rid of the addiction.
When you start to get too interested in gambling, you start to be more busy with other things, so your mind will start to be diverted not when you are addicted because as I mentioned, those who are addicted cannot think about getting out of gambling because they are too controlled by the desire to continue gambling
What to do;
The points you made in the list are very good but I think it will work for people who are not addicted yet because they still have a clear mind.
As far as I know be it addicted or not if they love reading they would see that they are getting too used by gambling. Now let me tell you something about myself, there was a time I was actually getting used to a particular local meal, and I noticed that whenever I consumed it i do have a kind of abdominal pains which I never knew it was the effects of what I do consumed on a regular basis when I discovered I had to stop.
Although it was very hard to stop because I am already used to it, what I did was to start putting interest in other meals even though I don't enjoyed them as regulars, I was doing that to get my attention off from that meal. But today I can stay without even thinking or wanting to consume it, this was because I fell into it as addiction.
What I am trying to say in essence is that, we must learn to understand our body system if we are not feeling normal or either being occupied by a particular activity or play then we should look for adjustment, and if it happens that we need someone to talk to us then fine there is need, except for those mentally affected were they don't associates with normal Beings with that we can say they need someone to help them out.
But provided the person can read and understand things then there is need for them to read information we shared across here and most times we can refer them here to read some necessary information about gambling addiction, as I believe that this forum is one of the largest community that talks about gambling addictions.