True, it's like you're betting your life on luck, gambling with the last money you have is really not a wise decision, and honestly I think I can guess that it's likely that you're really hoping for a win to increase the amount of money you have, but what we have to remember here is that the casino will never care about you anyway, They don't care if it's your last money or not, but in the end gambling with your last money is a silly decision because it can never change the situation, or it means that the last money can't be used as a guarantee that you will succeed in getting lucky.
What I'm worried about here is the possibility that you will be really emotional when it turns out that the results at the end of the session are not what you expected, plus it is your last money which means that after that you have no money at all to buy something you need, so this is the importance of having a healthy mindset and a rational point of view in terms of addressing everything to make decisions.
The point is as you said that we will never know whether the results at the end of the session will be to our liking or vice versa, while the possibility of losing will continue to lurk us until whenever, and I think this is not just a matter of greed but also with them having curiosity and high hopes of winning so trying to make decisions that could potentially increase regret when it turns out that the results are not suitable.