Nope at the end of this month or sooner when the "purse" hits near 0 game is over no refunds, nothing just the last daily dividend.
Then "hopefully" a new round will start and we'll have to buy back in to fill the "purse".
This is correct; just to clarify, however, it's not that there are 'no refunds' - the whole point of BDD is to pay out the funds
back to the unit-holders. The whole point is to speculate on what proportion MINE will receive vs. what SELL will receive. I make no secret of this, it's all spelled out very clearly in the OP; I even sent out an update earlier this month to remind everyone that the End Game is coming up soon.
I take a small fee on newly issued units of EXCH; it's not like I'm keeping all the funds or anything - it's paid out via dividends to MINE and SELL.
sigh fuck, no wonder the numbers looked too good, I should have known better, can't believe someone like Havelock is hosting this kind of operation.
It's not as if anything underhanded is going on here - This operation is 100% transparent, even down to me giving
daily updates on the numbers. For the record, I have asked Havelock multiple times to remove the 'Annual Yield' from the site, but they have not.