what you describe, you can actually get from BFL if you wish
sensible miners reinvest, otherwise you fall behind and end up with almost valueless hardware (or shares in this case)
YOu clearly have not thought this through. Reinvestement is not different from a regular investment, the only difference is the source of the funds. If reinvesting makes sense than so does investing. But guess what, its not always smart to invest in mining, and certainly it will not always be, and most certainly not at price points and conditions you have no control over. What hardware will cryptx buy, at what price and when? You have no idea, you are just guessing he makes the smart move (and doesnt pocket the kickbacks).
If cashing out weekly does not recover your initial investment and running costs, plunging in more money will not make it better, it will make it worse. The only difference is that the "amateur" may be able to recoup at least a part of his original investment while the professional idiots who throw all their revenue back in to mining gear time and again, no matter what the market conditions are, may well ultimately be left with basically nothing from their original investment. You are making the gamble bigger, but you are not changing the odds. If you dont grasp this concept, try your reinvesment strategy on Satoshi Dice, let me know how it works out.