What I know and have experienced so far, the essence of success in financial terms, is based on several factors. Maybe many people already know all of these factors. Because actually to achieve success is very simple materially and very difficult when done. Like the example
• Financial management (the essence of this point is that you have to know which ones you need and which ones you want. Don't let the money go out by buying goods or other things, but it's not very useful. And besides that, recording income and recording expenses must also be done. To make finances more organized).
• Continue to look for opportunities with the money we have (This point explains how important it is for us to be able to continue to innovate so that we can continue to develop the assets we have to increase. That is for example by creating a business and starting to invest. Because if you only save, that's definitely not going to grow rapidly).
• And finally, to be able to motivate ourselves we must have a target. Because someone without goals or targets, must have very little enthusiasm and tend to be lazy. So having a goal or target is very necessary, when you want to change a living condition, which is mainly about finances.