How on earth do you find a relation between ICO and our plans?
We are strongly against any ICO of any kind.
I'm not speaking about the fake ICO of some altcoin..
1)but with an ICO i collect money to sustain mine project and have a back-up value for my new coin (in BTC) and i give in exchange some of the new coin
1b)you're doing the same collecting/swaping other altcoin and take them as a backup for the value of the new coin
i'm not saying that it is a scam ICO, but the situation is similar
Yes, but in reverse.
We give money to sustain (revive) a (close to) valueless coin. When we successfully revived the coin, and the coin has market value again, we trade back our HEDG against that coin at a specified maximum profit percentage, so holder of the revived coin dont have to pay as much as the market value.
In order, we get more HEDGE then initially invested in the revival of that coin, taking that extra HEDGE with us for the next project.
So rather than having HEDGE compared by its BTC value, targeted coins will be valued by their HEDGE value
Ok, i've understood now
i can give some BirdCoin to the the fund.
how can i do that?
We took a look at BIRD and might perform a swap/takeover against HEDGE.
It still has an active community to it, it just needs a good boost.
Can we contact you somewhere? Please PM.
I've PMed you