- How bad Internet connection? Downloading 700 GB shouldn't take more than two days, even in cases with very slow download speed.
I wouldn't experiment with my money, if I were you (it is clear that you don't know what you're doing). You used Bitcoin Core to receive the bitcoin, use it again to recover it.
The problem here that I dont even have 20 gigabytes free and the internet bad and still limited so If i spent money for getting another space and also for many times renew the internet quota it will be waste of money espicially that I dont know if there's a money or not (if I 100% know there is a money on it I'll spent the money )
In this case then I think it's very simple, if you think you value the quantity of assets worth on that wet with bitcoincore, then you shouldn't hesitate on getting a new device that could have the required specification of what is been needed for you to be able to use bitcoincore on your device, aside it seems you're not getting the whole idea of what had been suggested to you for using the pruning method in achieving this.