bitcoin wiki is helpful.
my thought exactly
The various wikis do have a lot of valuable information, but what I was trying to do (and what the OP was trying I think) was to create a guide for the complete noob. I work tech support for a small software company and have to walk customers thru all kinds of basic computer operations. It’s amazing how many people double-click on hyperlinks, can’t ctrl-c/ctrl-v, don’t know there is a menu under a right-click. Most of these people would just shut their computers off and go back to watching Judge Judy the first time they saw 1Eu7otAEnygzrWw3Xgd3aCVANa3QCXDWGJ. Logical step by step guides are the only thing that get some people from their desktops to their Facebook accounts. The wikis are good but overwhelming for a large segment of our (IRL) society.
Exactly. Wikis do indeed provide a lot of valuable information, but usually the problem is that it requires at least some kind of basic knowledge about the subject, since wikis use a lot of jargon and so on. My goal is to create a easy to read, understandable and through tutorials about various subjects regarding bitcoins. You know, the kind your fathers, for example, could read and understand.
Thanks you all for great ideas! I will definitely write a tutorial about buying/selling bitcoins, after I do some research on BTC Forex platforms. Do you have any suggestions I should check out/recommend?
And Monkey1, thank you so much for offering your help. You could start by, for example, listing some ideas of what to write about. Kind of like the buying bitcoins-part. If you happen to have ideas regarding the next quick tutorial, buying bitcoins, you should totally hit me an email or private message, or just post them here.
I will write an article about buying bitcoins tomorrow, I have to do some research and I will put something together, and then add stuff over time.
By the way, if anyone is interested, I'd love some bitcoin-related graphics to use as the icons of my posts. Unfortunately I can't afford to pay anything (at least yet, I have already almost half a cent in [Suspicious link removed]!), but if you're interested in taking part, please contact me! As you can see, my skills with photoshop are very limited. Next I'm planning on tutorials on both buying and selling bitcoins, so some fancy graphics regarding them would be swell. My theme uses 640 x 360 images, for anyone interested.