The people vote and the elections must be checked in case of fraud I.E Turkey and then the winner of that party does what the people voted for..
YOU WORK FOR THE PEOPLE..If the people want new schools YOU DO IT that's why we voted for you..
You don't get in and then rob our taxes and contracts to line your own pockets ..YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL..
You are not a leader like kings and queens of yesteryear ..IT'S OVER THOSE DAYS ARE GONE..
Why because it protects the future children ..
The people need to rule this planet .OR we will never move forward ..
Even down to birth control..If we all one day unite we can all say planet lets all stop having children for 2 years to lower the population
and every country can stop for 2 years and some old will die off leaving less people on this planet and every so often we can do this..
Saves going to war and destroying this planet and humanity..
We all get a universal income no one person rules THE WHOLE EARTH PEOPLE DO..
My thinking is if Russia makes something good then we all benefit if china does something good we all benefit..
Travel into space plenty of tech needed that the whole planet needs to be involved with..
It reminds me of drug dealers fighting over turf ..OIL GANGSTERS MINING GANGSTERS ..All fighting to sell to the masses.
also fighting for the mines..GREEDY RATS..
When a universal income could solve it all ..
Robert B. Reich: Technological Change and the Inevitability of ...
Video for universal income i everything▶ 30:11 May 2016 - Uploaded by
Robert B. Reich: Technological Change and the Inevitability of Unconditional Basic Income.
Robert Reich: The Truth About Taxes [CC] - YouTube
Video for Robert B. Reich universal income▶ 2:31 the universal basic income | IN 60 SECONDS - YouTube
Video for Robert B. Reich universal income▶ 1:18 Jun 2016 - Uploaded by American Enterprise Institute
Or as the planet become? if you can talk good you become elected and then can rob the people of taxes.
Seems so..
We the people buy these peoples stuff lets stop buying it THEY ARE FINISHED THEN
No paying your way or bad business practice THEN WE SHOULD NOT BUY..
So someone make a website about BAD COMPANIES ..And make sure IT'S THE TRUTH .or you will be sued..
But if i looked and a company was ripping us off i wouldn't use
Or a company killing us by what they do..JUST DON'T BUY..
Come on as a people we can do this..
WE GIVE COMPANIES THE RIGHT TO SELL TO THE MASSES..So be thankful you made a good living as it is..GREEDY PEOPLE..
So lets name them and shame them and never buy again..
Or the might be one already a site who names and shames companies..
WE HAVE THE POWER ..Without the masses buying they loose they are gone over..
Don't worry someone will come along and will do the right thing by the people to make good money..
They will just make what you made .And you greedy man is finished..
This is how we win..
I HATE GREEDY PEOPLE HATE THEM..Have so much and still want more..And not a care in the world who they hurt..