So i have no idea how big is a 50kt explosion. But this bomb is very small in size... can you understand the trend?
And this lead me to say that all those that support people like putin & co, those faking power weak dying men (all will die), are a problem to me and the earth.
Yes those type of munitions are necessary against "Power"men, however why isn't a better world worked on?
Spin your bullshit to defend them as you want mad(&dying)servants of those men... and the worst is that by defending them you will pay her dinner... she would eat the bones of her children if there was daimond in it...
Western civilization is a humanist vision in which Roman law integrated Jesus wisdom, thereby giving Western culture its distinctive character: freedom of speech and of the press, equal justice under law, the primacy of the individual, separation of religion and state, freedom of religion and from religion, property rights, sexual equality, an independent judiciary, and independent education, among other values, like clean natural nutrishious food, pure water, clean air, and formost respect and love for the biospheres.Sadly, there are still a lot of barbarians around, one disctinctive feature is: personnality cult for men and women (the concept of honor, dignity, liberty or duty are relegated to their servitude to their leader (alive or dead). Another word for barbarians in subhumans, sadly they even with all their weakness still learn how to make and use weapons.
And this is why or they become human (they all can) or must be killed fisrt.