Hi Gleb, I'm a massive fan of yours. If you can give up that would be great
If you want to quit 100% smoking without trouble,
look up the antidepressant Welbutrin. Seriously. It actually makes you repulsed by cigarettes or other addictive things you do. Here is how it works:
When you have an addiction, your body wants more and more Dopamine - this is what causes you to feel happy or satisfied. It is created by the nucleus accumbens in the brain. When you don't have dopamine coming in, you become depressed or go through withdrawal. People who suffer depression often have low dopamine levels and actually are more likely to fall into an addictive behavior. They go hand and hand often. One drug, welbutrin, is an unique form of antidepressant. The typical form of antidepressant, is an SSRI, which reups your serotonin, another thing that is related to happiness levels. Serotonin and Dopamine both are related to your satisfaction / happy levels. However, dopamine is related specifically to addictive behaviors. Welbutrin is the only antidepressant, and one of the few overall drugs in the world which raises dopamine instead of serotonin. Because your body has normal levels of dopamine now from the welbutrin, your body actually will not want more dopamine which would be for example created by smoking cigarettes if you are addicted to them. You actually will get headaches or feel awful if you smoke because of having TOO MUCH dopamine in your brain. Thus, it makes quitting A TON MORE effective. However, if you stop taking the drug and you ever try to smoke again, the addiction will come back just like before. After you've been on welbutrin for awhile, if you stop you might have small cravings here and there but find other ways to be happy as doctors recommmend anyways for people with depression.
If you are a smoker or someone with a bad addiction, I urge you to consider talking to your doctor about Welbutrin.
The above post is 100% legitimate and not spam / trolling or whatever. Do your own research but when it comes to medicine affecting the brain, I've had a lot of experience through friends and personal experiences that I know what I'm talking about.
Good luck.