Even if you earn substantial income you will eventually suffer when your leaders fail in making decisions in joining to sanction Russia. The gas supply in your country will just dry out making the prices sky high.
When gas prices shoots to the moon, every products that needs gas to be able to produced will have sky rocketing prices as well. Crowd going hungry are the crowd that will fight for their right to live.
What's the point of working when your salary won't increase in par with inflation? Prices for gas, oil, energy, and food keep rising when wages remain static. Effectively, the poor become poorer while the rich, richer. I guess that's the reason why most people worldwide are protesting against inflation. It's governments' policies that are destroying everything.
Unless inflation is put under control and wages increase at a considerable rate, things will only get worse in the long run. I hope that COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war ends soon so things could get back to normal. The future is widely unpredictable, so can only hope for the best. Just my thoughts
Inflation affects everyone because of the money you have right now will have lesser purchasing power.
The FED is not going to control inflation, they like it this way because people who has no money has no freedom. People with no money can't fight back.
But when you are fed up already and will not care anymore, this is where the revolution will be uncontrolled. Its worse when police are defunded.
High inflation does affect everyone's life, but the most affected are the poor people, because the poor people usually only rely on one source of
income and the increase in inflation is not accompanied by an increase in wages. So the price of goods is increasing, while the value of the money
they have is decreasing, it will definitely make it difficult for the poor people to meet their daily needs. But sadly as you said, there is no real
solution from the government to deal with the problem of rising inflation. The government continues to print money to solve economic problems,
which in the long run will lead to hyper inflation.
I also think like you, there is an intention by the government not to control inflation, in order to make it easier for the government to control
the population. Therefore, sometimes people lose their patience and hold demonstrations to protest this problem. That is what happened in
Sri Lanka where the economic condition of the people got worse, causing riots and overthrowing the ruling government. So don't make people
depressed and suffer, the government should think about the welfare of its people.