Reality is that they do not know what they are talking about and neither do we. We just make assumptions and sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong.
So-called experts or influencers do what they know best to make a profit, and I agree that most have no idea what they are really talking about, but they don't care too much as long as there are enough people who trust them. However, I would not agree that everyone is in the same category and that no one knows anything, especially if we consider this forum and people who do solid analysis, although they may not always be right.
I became friends with an influencer. She is a person who is great at auditing projects but she doesn't charge any money, she works for the people and investors and not for the projects.
It means that she has a whole group of people who are investors that follow her, and then if there is a project many people on that group keep wanting all the time, and talk her about it, then she will do an audit for the code itself, and share what she finds. That is a legit person right? Even she gets paid by the companies for sharing it on her website or twitter.
Even people who are legit end up getting paid, and maybe it doesn't reflect on what they find, but it does change the tone if she finds nothing. A project that finds nothing is "nothing wrong on this one" whereas one that pays "we are partnering with X project and they are the most awesome code I saw", same zero errors, and yet two different approach.