It will be warmongering nutjob 1 vs. warmongering nutcase 2. Not sure if it matters much from which part of the one-party these fruitcakes come. Hillary has a long and solid history of disregard of any laws and rules and is certainly certifiable. So, she seems likely unless the corporate owners of this mess decide on someone even nuttier.
exactly, who cares, the Swarm will win, as always... why because the intern ecosystem of the swarm is still natural, even if some unnatural whales (certainly radiated and feed through the shanegans of the central planers, before their return to the mean.
.). The Swarm is like Energy... how to fight energy itself?
on a long enough time line...
but you have to acknowledge (not agree) that the US Constitutional order is under attack (since 1913), as such you understand the defcon policy, it's still high.. but who knows, if the d.e. f.e. or u.e. get unanticipated ground it may have to be reverted to the mean... achtung like they say, it's gonna rumble, as low as it's needed to preserve the republic, including and not excluding (as an act of mercy, the all family could have been gone), like the last picture attest.
there is only one word that rimes with finance, and it's fundamentalism, the consecration of reality (even if you don't want to see it, now).
the 7 taboos are very expansive to maintain in Project America (in trillions) requires extreme vigilance, which was let down internally... it may even be a home front internal wars wager... which could lead to real peace with the world... otherwise, beging under continuous attack of the oligarch of d.c. requires extreme measures, soviet-minded if necessary.
slowly the homefront is being reoccupied, will see, or America is restored, or it goes quickly to irrelevance, they (usmiic) know it... but are they enough and still structured enough to resist and win against them? I don't say it will be easy right now, b.o.a. is (I hope) among the lowest point in the history of this project (but with their corrupt desilusional oligarchs what to expect, remember none of them had any training what so ever, they never heard about logic, and what happen when you lie to a soviet commanding officer).