I would like to write my test observation hiveos with Asus b250.
First, I hope to have hiveos on my b250 mining expert board. But until stable run, I need to use Windows.
8 Nvidia + 2 amd works stable.
8 Nvidia + 6 amd very unstable. At least 2 and cards randomly very low hash rate such as 4mhs.
If I increase and cards more than two, randomly low has rate on some amd cards start. Once time I had a stable 8 + 4 combination. But when I deal with autofan function rig restarted and again 2 amd cards start with low hash rates. When I unplug slot and plug some other slot it starts good until another booth. Before each new booth you need to change slot position of low performance and cards.
As I said, I like to have hiveos. I hope developers will come with a solution.
What is my next step for this mother board.
I will flash original bios on to amd cards. Let's see with original bios result.
Any body has experience with original bios on Asus b250? Do you think that it would be helpful?
If I will have no good result, I will try ethos. I want to use any is other than Windows.
Best regards
I am running 14 cards on this board on multiple rigs very stable. This is what I do: update the board bios to 1206.(there is a new 1207 version but I did not play with it just yet) Do not mix cards, either have nvidia or amd and flash there respective image on ssd. If you go nvidia update the driver "nvidia-driver-update" in hiveos and update to the latest version hive. If you go amd flash the vega image and do not update hive stay on version 6.01. If you want to use amdmemtweak you will need to compile it yourself from command line:
git clone
https://github.com/Eliovp/amdmemorytweak cd amdmemorytweak/linux
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install libpci-dev -y
g++ AmdMemTweak.cpp -lpci -lresolv -o amdmemtweak
rm /hive/sbin/amdmemtweak
mv /home/user/amdmemorytweak/linux/amdmemtweak /hive/sbin/
The only cards I did not manage to run on a 14 card rig are the 1660/1660ti which is at 8 with the current nvidia drivers. As the nvidia drivers progressed I was able to go from 3 cards originally to 8 now.
I hope this helps, it is sure working for me, 15 rigs running and 30 more motherboards left on the shelf
(no video cards an power to fill them up)