I'm working vigorously on PICISI, a crowdfunding site that accepts fiat and crypto, I expect to launch it in under a month.
At PICISI our mantra is 'Promotion, Promotion, Promotion' of our message, the message of our sponsors, and the message of the campaigns raising funds at our site.
In order to hit the road running we are actively building our sponsorship community. I'm happy to announce that HBN is the newest member of our sponsorship community.
Here's a snapshot at some of our sponsorship opportunities:
1) Host CC Sponsor - One of the best ways to get your coin into the hands of someone is to simply give it to them, however the best way to get your coin used by the general public is to get your coin into their hands and have them use it in a real life application. When an organizer starts a campaign at PICISI s/he has a choice of what CC currency type to select, the first choice is “sponsor currency” this is the organizer indicating a willingness to have his campaign sponsored at the host CC level. Once the sponsor is finally selected that currency will be the currency that all other CCs donated to that campaign will be converted to for the duration of that particular campaign.
This is major because everyone that visits that campaign will see your currency, but the will not only see but will likely use the funds to do business with one of the contractors at the site during the campaign. If they don't use it during the campaign, over that month of close interaction with your currency they are very likely to want to learn more about your coin so that by the end of the campaign they will make the deliberate decision to download a wallet, open an exchange account, or simply convert out of the currency. Regardless of what they actually choose to do your CC has certainly been branded into their mind in a very positive way.
2) Campaign Sponsor - this is the most common type of sponsorship outside of PICISI; the sponsor’s logo is affixed to the body of campaign text in an area set aside for campaign sponsors. The higher your donation the higher your logo is located in the sponsorship logo area.
3) Donor Perk Sponsor - a sponsor provided perk escrowed by PICISI on behalf of a specific campaign where it will be used. If the perk is not requested by any qualified donor it will be converted to host CC and donated to the campaign
4) Advertising Perk Sponsor - a sponsor provided perk escrowed by PICISI on behalf of a specific campaign to be used as a perk or returned to the sponsor. If the perk is not requested by any qualified campaign donor the perk is sent back to the sponsor -- the perk is NOT donated to the campaign.
5) Campaign Video Sponsor - the first 5 second of the campaign organizer's video is allocated for the Campaign Video Sponsor, this is where the sponsor will indicate: “This video is brought to you by … [say sponsor's name, show sponsor's logo, and say sponsor's catchphrase]”
PICISI is currently sponsored by:
Welcome aboard: HBN
Here is the first 2 of the 5 part article series 'about PICISI':
What is PICISI artilce -
http://www.crowdfundingpr.org/picisi/ PICISI Administration article -
http://www.crowdfundingpr.org/picisi-administration/The next article is about sponsorship, all of our sponsors will be mentioned.