I've had 2 crashes in the same situation, trying to send a transaction and the client quits
Application Specific Information:
abort() called
terminating with uncaught exception of type std::length_error: basic_string::_S_create
it's not a big deal, just wanted to mention it
Which OS is this? And is your wallet encrypted?
I thought I mentioned it
It's OS X (Mavericks) and yes it's encrypted
Hmm ok.
I think there is still a small bug, that if the wallet is encrypted but unlocked, and you send coins. It first locks the wallet, but still tries to run stake. If you don't type in your password quickly enough, the wallet could crash. If you cancel it, it simply locks the wallet and stops the stake.
A work around, would be to lock the wallet manually first, then send the coins, then unlock when done. Or you could use the rpc command walletpassphrase without the mintonly switch. This will allow all sends, without first locking the wallet, and prompting for password.
I have only thought this could be the case, but didn't see a real world issue till now. I'll look more closely at this.
Thanks unick.