Solo mining works like that on most coins: a new address is generated for every mined block.
Does it pull an address from my key pool?
Yep when you mined a block solo mining without specifying an address.. It will take one from your key pool
I only found it confusing because the address does not show up under "Receiving addresses..." and I would have thought it would do that.
You have 100 key pairs in your keypool at any given time.. unless you change the default settings.. anyway these keypairs remain out of sight until needed.. They are needed when you request a new address.. when you have change from an output come back to you.. when you mine a block.. but every time you take one you get an new one added to the pool.. sort of like beer in a cooler.. when you take one out put another one in..
@samsmith16 Thank you. That was a great explanation. Although, I did already know all of that information.
I was not sure what key was used for new blocks. I had thought correctly, as you have confirmed, that it would come from the key pool, but I had expected to see the address in "Receiving addresses..." when the block was found. I was mostly confused by the, "why is it not listed there?" That made me question what I thought I understood.
hi there newbie question here, is it possible to mine hold even w/out actual coin in stake?
just downloaded the wallet and start the mining base from the tutorials just want to confirm
if even w/out any coin inside the wallet this mining will work.
@arseaboy You can mine with your wallet. You can only earn interest on money you already have in your wallet.