#HODLing is not a smooth journey, do you agree?
Totally agree, it is mostly easier said than done for most investors. I personally can recall the different juicy opportunities I have missed to really make it big in this space as a result of a lack of patience to HODL. Especially those early days in crypto when you barely understand the market and easily get freaked out with every FUD and market dip.
Experience is the best teacher they say and I believe the majority of us are more experienced and mature over the years of being in crypto.
What is your view on #Hodling Guys?
The visual image you provided above actually alludes to how a person's mentality occurs when he holds onto Bitcoin. The price of Bitcoin is of course very volatile, but if you remain patient and wait, the price of Bitcoin will definitely reach a consistently high price, which is why everyone who invests in bitcoin, you must have other income in the real world, don't let it happen because of urgent needs, you sell the bitcoin you have, every investor must have good financial planning.
You would really be able to face up situations on where you are really that in torn between buying and selling and this is something that you would really experiencing at the time you do put up your foot into this market
on which its never been that simple specially when price suddenly spikes on which it would be causing for you to have mixed emotions.
#HODLING is never been a smooth journey and this is why it would be wise that you should really be setting out sell price or target so that you wont really be that getting left behind
but since we are talking about hold then it would be pertaining for long years without selling, you should really be just that needing yourself to be that emotionally strong.