As I understand the situation, DRK may achieve a status of "legally anonymous", which is anonymous for all intents and purposes minus the largest players like NSA who controls all devices, all networks, serious AI pattern recognition software, etc etc. These large players will be unable or unwilling to explain their methods in a court of law, or they will have to admit all their illegal activities - which would compromise their activities around the globe.
I mean, consider this: They go to a court and say we have these evidence, obtained by these illegal methods of spying every single device (that would be a "smash" for high tech exports
), or the networks of several FOREIGN COUNTRIES (and that would cause no international uproar, lol), and some HINTS by this pattern recognition software which INDICATE (not conclusively prove) that the X amount was transferred from entity A to entity B because the wallet of A emptied by 1 DRK and the wallet of B got 1 DRK.
And even if this can happen in the US, it will not happen in other countries. For example, in Greece, the right of the individual to privacy (including telecommunications) cannot be breached unless there is some SERIOUS crime. That's on the constitution. You can't just eavesdrop and use these information as ...evidence. Illegal evidence = bye bye mr prosecutor, you've just admitted to committing a crime yourself. Additionally, when say traffic is routed throughout the world, how many countries can say that they have access to all the networks in order to convince a judge that yeah that transaction went from here, to there, to there, to there, and then back to this place. And the judge will be "ok, and you know this HOW?".
Parody trials where the accuser / prosecutor will not have to actually submit the evidence or methods of obtainment, is another issue altogether that is more serious than anonymizing bitcoin, darkcoin etc.