With the popularization of online betting, the business began to expand, but the public was still very afraid and suspicious of the sites.
Then came the COVID-19 pandemic and forced people who were loyal to gambling to have to use the sites, in the same way the sites needed to invest heavily in new features, game and bonuses for players to continue operating.
The result was an absurd growth of this type of venture on online platforms.
I sincerely believed that this could decrease again after the COVID-19 health crisis is over, but I was surprised to see that online gambling continues to grow by the day.
I think this is a path of no return, online gambling allied to cryptocurrencies should still grow a lot in the coming years.... I believe that.
Now it's not just the old gamblers who do the gambling, new players are coming in because of the easy access created by the gambling businesses.
Then, in the past, there's this thought about casinos just for the rich so they won't go there but now they don't have to and the initial deposits to play is so low that I think even $10 would suffice to play for a long time in casino games.
A path of no return, yes that is the perfect definition of it. It will just keep on growing in the upcoming years and we won't be able to stop it. It will become the norm for the active gamblers and soon-to-be gamblers.