1) my relationship with people: Try to have a strong relationship with people who can impact positive things in your life that will make your future colorful, like what my school childhood friend did to me that changed my life in the society.
Relationships with positive people positively affect those around them. It is great to have communication with people who have farsightedness and ambition. Your childhood friend was a good way and a lifeline to change your life from sinking to surviving and investing in bitcoin, But you can only trust those you know and have good memories with. As for strangers, I advise you to stay away from them and not let them affect you in determining your investment or practical decisions.
2) Opportunity: Try to embrace genuine opportunity that will change your life in future, like what I did to eliminated poverty in my family by embraced Bitcoin investment to quit my delivery job that changed me in the society.
There are many opportunities in the crypto market, and investing in bitcoin is one of the best opportunities that can change the life of a poor person into a life of luxury and wealth, so anyone must have the audacity to make a decision to invest bitcoin at the right time, but we just have to know that there is a risk, so it was better for you not to leave your job and make the investment in bitcoin beside it.