I'm relatively new to the BitCoin realm and within about 1.5 hours of researching, it became quite apparent to me that BFL is operating fraudulently.
Personally, I'm less surprised at the fact that they're a sham, and much, much more surprised that people still believe they are real. I must say, the founder of BFL and his/her constituents function as the absolute epitome of successful opportunists.
They saw a massive demand for a product, substantiated in a high-risk/high-reward marketplace, isolated the characteristics of their marketshare (risk-takers) and took the plunge. I would argue (assuming I am right in ascertaining their scam) that this was one of the most successful scams in history, not because of the amount of money they will receive, but because of the ramifications and their ability to conduct this scam under a veil of anonymity that is the very core value of Bitcoin.
Quite intriguing, to say the very least. I hope for the sake of Bitcoin and those who invested, it is not a scam.
So, you say that it is "quite apparent to me that BFL is operating fraudulently", and state that "they're a sham" as fact, even going so far as to say "this was one of the most successful scams in history", and yet you end with "I hope ... it is not a scam".
Why state they are a scam as fact when you yourself don't even fully believe it? Instead of saying "they're a sham," say "I believe they're a sham." Stating facts that are not necessarily true is a great way to expose yourself to libel/slander lawsuits.
Anyway, are you certain enough that they are a scam that you are willing to put money on it? Because I am certain enough that they are not a scam to put money on it.
Take it down a notch, soldier.
I have no vested interests in BFL one way or another, I'm merely a spectator. I thought I illustrated my viewpoint from the get-go and I was speaking in absolutes under the premise of an assumption, so I think that is where lines got crossed.
No, I'm not willing to bet any thing on their validity. It's possible that they ship eventually some units, no doubt, do you think they will be able to ship the number of units they have pre-sold?
Admittedly I am basing this off zero manufacturing experience, but if they're struggling releasing one unit in 7 months, chances of them releasing 20,000+ (or more?) units of varying architecture in the near future seems like a long-shot.
Fair enough.
I absolutely believe they will ship the number of units they have pre-sold. They have far more chips than they need, and everything else is easy enough to get a hold of. They would have no reason not to ship all of the pre-sold units. There aren't 20,000 units pre-sold - that is a false rumor that continues to propagate across this forum, despite being disproved over and over again. As of January 2013, the pre-orders would consume less than 20,000 of their chips. That's less than 2,500 Single SC's. Undoubtedly, with the increase in price, people are ordering more units, but even still, I very much doubt the number of pre-orders surpasses 5,000 orders. The order numbers are high because it creates a new order number every time someone clicks to order, regardless of whether they pay for it or not.
Ok well I just gave these guys a ring.
No evidence that anyone has got any of these because they haven't shipped yet.
They did point out that this is not the first generation they have done and they have delivered on these previous generations. Can anyone confirm this?
Considering placing an order but until I can find some evidence they can deliver I’m very hesitant.
The call ended with me being told the only thing that will convince me is when I read the reviews when people start getting them.
He might be right.
I would certainly wait until other people start getting them if you are unconvinced of their legitimacy. There's very little reason not to at this point.