That is right, though you can remove the part where it helps us in many ways by winning because gambling did not bring any joy or hapiness to people especially as you said, when we are losing. Gambling is the reason why we are losing a lot of money, but not just money, we are losing a lot of time too and skills, we are ruining our life, affecting the lives of people around us especially the lives of our friends and our loved ones. We know that losing is inevitable, but why stick to gambling if you can invest or trade, there are a lot of ways to stake our money with a high percentage of profit. It may have some risks though, that is the thrill of adventuring the ways to earn money.
But always think like these, when you play gambling, you will always lose, no matter what road or how far the road from losing you take, you will still end up losing. In trading and investing, there are many ways around, though, the main reason is to find the right way because we know that we will end on the profittable way.