There is no way to save money whenever you start gambling, because there is always a risk to lose all your money in one gambling session, saving up your money and gambling is two different thing, you have a chance to win big in gambling but there is the risk of losing all your capital, savings is a much more safer way but the gains is much slower.
OP is contradicting in the first place, he wish to save money but he admits that he is addict. One doesn't go with another you save or spend, or you find golden middle. Many people doesn't know how to control money they have, its a skill that must be learned. How much income you have every week, how big your expenses are, and then with the rest of money you need to know what to do, to spend them on fun, try to earn more or to just save them. Gambling and saving can't go together, only way to save is when you plan to gamble with 100 dollars, you put 50 on a side and gamble with the rest of the money, and keep control to not spend all when you spend first 50 dollars.