Think about a situation where somebody loses an arm in a car accident. The arm was totally demolished so that the doctors couldn't even find the pieces to re-attach it. Where could anybody ever find a new one that would come close to the one that was lost?
If the person was a multi-billionaire... these days they have some really good prosthetic arms. They can even attach nerves that make the arm work, and simulate the senses of touch, feeling heat, or feeling cold. Last I heard, an arm like this might cost $billions, and it wouldn't be nearly as good as the original... at least in most ways.
I got my original arms free at birth, right along with the rest of the body, which is so much wealth that it could never be rebuilt by scientists at any price.
You are not answering my questions but at least you have a very good take.
Your answer has to do with what being wealthy can mean, my question was really how you made your money from a pragmatic point of view. (if you made such a sum that would deem you to be rich - whatever that means for you)
It looks like some people trying to answer my question are believing I want to be a character from some rap video or that I am someone who cannot find happiness in life because of chasing money and are giving me useless answers.
I'm new to writing in a forum so maybe forum posts should be more philosophical than pragmatic.