
Topic: How do I know a bounty program is good? - page 3. (Read 4237 times)

Activity: 210
Merit: 0
I see a lot of bounty programs on the BCT, but I do not know which bounty program is good, there are many fraud programs. Can you  give me advice ?

sure! Wink Better looking on the team - u can find some people out of project, and see , mb they work on another and make a good one
The BCT thread - how it looks like, as all framed.
Website, Who is the manager. And ofc idea of project.  think about it, is it possible? or looks like something incomprehensible Cheesy
Activity: 142
Merit: 0
First of all i look at the project and its team. If it looks solid and promising, then i look at budget. If everything is ok, then i join this bounty.
Activity: 518
Merit: 10
Yes, you do not know , there are projects that are poorly evaluated , but then they go to the market , exchanges and become tops!
hero member
Activity: 1750
Merit: 589
Put your feet on the shoes of other people , in other words if you are the one who are going to invest in that specific project ask yourself if you will going to support it or not. And actually bounty programs can all be good if people will going to do their part and job in the right way. It is dependent on the support of people and the actual flow of system according to the whitepaper so make sure to always read and research.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Some Bounties are great and there are a lot of scams too or campaigns just to waste your time.I look at the team,bounty budget (not too big or too small) and how realistic the project is,what do they have on ground already before i decide whether or not to join
Activity: 101
Merit: 0
There are too many ICO projects, so it's not easy to find good bounty programs
I often do research on projects, teams, whitepaper and their social media programs
Activity: 504
Merit: 10
A nice bounty program is that I think his token sales achieved. Minimum must be achieved his softcap. Must be seen also the team that administers the project. I often see also total supply for bounty campaign. And the last is I see who the manager of his bounty.
full member
Activity: 616
Merit: 103
A Blockchain Mobile Operator With Token Rewards
There are so many factors to be considered in order to identify the bounty program whether it is good or not. There are some sites where they are rate the ICOs according to the level of effeciency of a team managing a bounty program or ICO. Ratings sometimes can be a factors to identify that it is good one but don't rely on ratings most of the time. Just be a focus on observing your bounty campaigns, so that you can earn big rewards when it ends.
jr. member
Activity: 178
Merit: 2
read whitepapaer, roadmap and check in some websites compare like in coinschedule website
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
just ask your friends which bounty manager they worked before that are or is good, having a good bounty manager is an ensurance you will be supporting an ICO who'll award you for your loyalty.
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
I always make sure to search about the project,their team,developer and the manager. For me the campaign manager is one of the important person so consider. I usually choose the manager that has positive trust and Im sure they know the project is legit before accepting the job.
Activity: 322
Merit: 10
The Premier Digital Asset Management Ecosystem
Researching and doing an indepth analysis on the project like you looking for a viable ico to put your investment in is the best way to discern whether a bounty will be worth it or not. Check the team, the whitepaper,their social media handle e.t.c
But checking them how to evaluate a good new ico project is important. For example, how are telegrams checked and how do they sleep? How do we test them? I firmly believe that no one can do this well. I think so follow the good bounty manager to get the good ico.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
Just assess how much the project will be useful for society, because only then it will be in demand. How relevant is the technology, is the market busy.
hero member
Activity: 779
Merit: 500
You must check the manager of the bounty program, examine hi previously bounties and his reputation. Also, pay attention to the project itself, read the whitepaper, examine the concept of the project, have a look at the team behind the project. All of these factors must be taken into account!
According to my experience, Bitcointalk Forum has a little of the project managed by scammer while the ICO is the real project. The scam project = scam bounties program, I only know this rule. So, if the bounty manager campaign is a scammer, you should not join in any campaign managed by this scammer.
Activity: 350
Merit: 13
check the team members if they have solid knowledge in what they are doing. find out the team behind the project. visit their websites design and content, read whitepaper.
Activity: 229
Merit: 10
The Exchange for EOS Community
Analyze the project understand what the company is capable of, whether the company is useful for society and what it is doing at the moment and what is going to do next and whether they can do it? If you analyze all this, then you will have the impression and you will make certain conclusions.
Activity: 252
Merit: 10
You must check the manager of the bounty program, examine hi previously bounties and his reputation. Also, pay attention to the project itself, read the whitepaper, examine the concept of the project, have a look at the team behind the project. All of these factors must be taken into account!
Activity: 113
Merit: 0
I think, you have to understand the project what they are going to do and can they do it? Is the project useful and will people use the project in the future?
hero member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 586
It is a similar when you do some exploration before putting resources into ICOs, you need to comprehend the venture to start with, what they will do and would they be able to do it? Is the task helpful and will individuals utilize the undertaking later on? In the event that you have done that then you will comprehend what abundance is great.
You will know if your participated bounty program is good when you receive a reward after the bounty campaign end, because in first you never know if its good or not so will wait until the end of bounty, even you study it before you participate you'll still don't know if your in a good bounty because sometimes even you check it first there's a time you can encounter a scam bounty program, so i suggest just continue participate until you found a good bounty.
Activity: 98
Merit: 0
To know how good a bounty program is, one needs to know the manager to be a professional and a hardworking one. And then check the total allocations for bounty pool.
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