ATs are more than just a cryptocurrency because they can be adapted to meet unique user needs (such as, staking, burning, or value-pegging) in ways most other cryptocurrencies cannot. For example, SAT deposits encourage certain behaviors, such as trustworthy dispute resolution or larger spam disincentives than gas fees can provide. Token flexibility will also be necessary to implement evolving stability frameworks (such as, those used in Digix, Maker, or Gnosis) to ensure users are not exposed to market-risk while engaged with the ecosystem. Moreover, using an independent token allows for the community to adjust to unforeseen local threats without requiring a hardfork of the underlying blockchain protocol. Finally, SATs are preferable as a distinct instrument of value so that its value can fluctuate independent of systemic volatility similar to why consumers use US dollars to buy gas, bread, and stocks rather than trading directly between them.
The system is designed to allow independent parties to pool resources for their mutual benefit. Foreseeable benefactors of the system include marketplaces who have increased exposure and revenue from share listings, co-owners of fractionally owned assets, and the buyers and sellers in ecommerce transactions. Legacy ecommerce models accomplish this by providing “middleman” services, such as affiliate marketing services, centralized rating systems, or trusted marketplaces. However, the rampant fraud and inefficiencies throughout the ecommerce industry due to the failures of these middlemen cause unnecessarily high purchase and transaction costs.’s smart contract blockchain backed protocols automate middleman functions, reducing the cost of virtually every transaction.
The Splyt Core Foundation’s goal is to provide publicly accessible open-source solutions to alleviate the frictions in the ecommerce industry that facilitate oligopolistic environments. We believe this can be accomplished through a combination of the utilization of smart contracts, the security of blockchain, the token-economics of SATs, and a user-first mentality suitable to build network effects. Splyt Core Foundation is a non-profit entity because we recognize the importance of a non-partisanship overseer removed from profit-seeking pressures in reaching this goal. has already completed an alpha minimal viable product, including: the global inventory protocol, the fractional purchase and ownership DAO framework, and the automated affiliate reward system. We invite you to test these products and let us know what you think. You can join the vibrant communities growing on Telegram, Twitter , Facebook, or email us at
[email protected] . We hope you share our vision for a better “internet of shopping” and look forward to working with you to make it happen.