I want to earn 0.1BTC-0.3BTC in a month at most. I am 13 years old, so I do not have any bank account, so I can't spend any $$.
I am willing to do activities such as signature campaign and stuff.
Things to answer for me:
1. What is the highest paying signature campaign that I can participate in?
2. Any place where I can loan Bitcoin?
3. Any other ways that I can earn bitcoins FAST?
Things To Know....
I can program JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Processing JavaScript pretty well.
I spend 10+ hours everyday on my laptop.
I'm very determined. (Willing to do almost anything.)
My address is: 15k9H74VrEVGndYrrgHoDBkzBv5CNY1ukc
and donations are very appreciated!
1. check out the signature campaign post its all broken down there.
2. i use BTCJam its great for loans
3. moon faucet is around 1500 satoshi every couple hours i think.
well done by the way on learning the programming so young, keep it up it will do you well when your older and looking work.