How do you deal with the situation where people who you are close to like family and friends are constantly demanding for one kind of financial assistance or the other. It is not possible to help everyone, so how do you handle it and make sure that giving and trying to help people do not turn into a problem for you.
Usually if this happens to me personally, there are several stages, which I will do to get a decision, to lend or not.
The first thing I will do is measure my own abilities first, in terms of the finances that I have. Do I have cold cash that I won't use in a long time, Or nothing. Then if I have the cold money, I will definitely proceed to the second stage.
Then for the second stage, I will definitely see who will borrow the money. Because for example, if that person has something I don't like, especially in terms of attitude, I most likely won't lend that person money. Because people with a bad attitude usually find it difficult to pay when it's time to collect debt, and it will definitely make things more complicated.
And for the last stage, I will definitely ask the person the reason why he wants to borrow money. Because if the reason he is borrowing money is for something that is positive or for something urgent and concerning. I will definitely give him a loan.
How about people who borrow money from you and never return it or even show any effort to make payment back to you, how did you go about the situation?
If this situation has occurred, I will definitely continue to collect debts from the borrower continuously. But if the borrower still doesn't pay it, I will definitely let it go, if the money borrowed by that person is not too big. But if the money borrowed is quite large, I will definitely make a letter of agreement with that person, just in case the person is still reluctant to pay the debt, I will confiscate the items that the person has whose price is in accordance with the debt he has.