Any money that I put in gambling I have already counted it as a lost money. I don't have much expectation of win but if it happens I will be happy. If it does not happen I'll just forget about it.
This is the most bullshit reason or whatever shenanigans that I heard on gambling. Why the heck you are gambling if you didn’t expect to win and just counted your money as lost once you deposit? It’s better to send your money to donation so that it can help poor people rather than spend it on your nonsense gambling since you didn’t want to win. Seriously why you do need to play gambling if you have this kind of resolve.
Winning is what makes people drive to gamble more but in your case you are like zombie playing without any goal to achieve. Zzzzz
you made me laugh a lot because I keep telling people that they shouldn't look at gambling as a way to make money fast, I say that so people don't deceive themselves and don't lose all the goods they have because of gambling bad luck, but I make bets in search of profits, but unfortunately I cannot talk or encourage people to enter the world of games of chance to seek profits, I know that lying is something ugly and disgusting, but there are times that the person need to omit a few things, I think @Docnaster is in the same situation, maybe he is in the gambling world looking for profit but he can't say that because it could be seen as if he is giving people advice and encouraging to participate in games of chance to profit
How I handle my lost is that whenever I loss a bet, I'll reduce my betting power subsequently. I lose again I reduce amount until it gets to zero, I'll know I have lost out in everything
in my opinion you should keep the same bet amount, for example if you have 10$ in your bankroll, and you only place bets on games with odds of @2.00 and up, then you can place a 1$ bet, if you win you have 11$ in the bankroll, you already have 11 games to bet on, the ideal is to always keep the same bet amount and bet on games with odds of @2.00 or above, of course you have to choose the games well