I now have something that can generate some "passive" income and something that needs a lot of my time and attention, but overall it improved my quality of living and it encouraged me to follow my dreams.
I still gamble, but not as much as I did before... because time management has become an issue. This will not secure my retirement, but it gives me some freedom to experiment with more ideas. (I still need to work between 8 to 10 hours per day.... and weekends, but I have something to fall back on, if something bad happens)
Hope your big wins, did not just go back into the casinos.
So yeah, this also goes without saying that you shouldn't look into gambling as a means of profit, nor should you look for it as your golden ticket to a better life. It's a massive miracle and a luck of the draw that OP won such an amount but I reckon that everyone out here wouldn't be as lucky as him. Gamble for entertainment and nothing else. If the jackpot comes in then great, but don't expect it at all. Keep a level head when you play and don't be stupid.
Gambling is great when you win, but it's even better when you're not losing, if you know what I mean.