been playing catizen like a whole week and if i'm being honest, it's boring just like any other mini game but at least they give us rewards, the rewards are what keeping people from abandoning it like what people said and I agree .
How would one then make the money, when I win or when I have points even if I don't win, or I win fulfilling tasks what is their market like as well?
I have seen lots of coins with concept of play-to-earn. It's a good thing but i dont thing its a revolutionary concept. Their are a lot of coins seeing a significant rise in this bullrun. Coins like neoxa is implemnting this in the best way where you play real games like GTA 5, CSGO or Dota 2 and rewards. But if you talk about coins that shows tapping the screen to mine the coin or reward you, its nothing but trash.
I do agree, tapping games are boring even if they try to give rewards, sometime i'm thinking that the boredom of playing these games outweigh the benefit of getting reward! .
I totally agree! There are also some games with better gameplay out there (like Backwoods for myself, for example, which imitates another game from top to bottom, but still it's better to tap all day with some boosts, lol), and I think this should become a bigger trend - to lure new people not just by the numbers from the future airdrop, but by sheer good gameplay which wouldn't repeat itself (or that would be enjoyable at that).