I believe in less than three months Putin's kingdom is over , what do you think?
False. Russia will hit until it will be able to do so. For russia (not only for Ukraine, yep) this was is existential. If it will fail - for russia this will means an and and country (as we know it) will collapse.
So, taking into account this information you could try to calculate the and of the war by yourself )
If you want to know more, you can read this guy -
https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1497993363076915204Really depends on what Putin is able to sell as a win domestically. There's a lot of Russian losses, sure, but Ukranians are hurting too, and Putin's territorial gains in the East are non-trivial. If the Donbas is secured + a land corridor to Crimea, and he can get some kind of negotiated promise of Ukranian neutrality re: joining NATO, then that might be enough to sell domestically as a win.
This is bad point
Remember, Russians have historically tolerated leaders that have racked up high domestic body counts, but have been less tolerant of leaders perceived as weak. Hence, Putin's survival lies in being able to spin a tale of victory.
And this is very good point! From your second point it's obvious that first point is wrong: russian wants
full victory, means "to occupy all Ukraine", not just few middle cities on the south and east.
For example, russian neo-nazi writer,
bulba de thones has the same vibes:
"PФ xoчeт выйти из вoйны пocлe эпичнoй битвы зa Дoнбacc, кoтopaя пoдмeнилa coбoй пoлный пepeфopмaт тeppитopий Укpaины. Bы жe в нaчaлe CBO тoжe мeчтaли o взятыx c бoями 3,5 cёлax?" He is complaining that initially russian goal - to occupy all Ukraine and to kill or rusificate all ukrainians is not achievable. Overwhelming majority of russians think in the same way.
So gnomes can't just stop the war without major negative consequences for themselves.
Here, even local kremlin puppets confirm this take:
Russia does not have much choice to continue or end, there is too much at stake.
And this is no joke or smth like that. This is the main vibe of russian society.