usually people tell how to win and earn money, but only include last winning, without loss on earlier bad gambling game
That is the point. Everyone who play to win money is remembering only last winnings. It is the first step to be addicted!
gamblers tend to remember two things, their winnings, no matter how small, and their huge losses. and i mean huge losses as in a significant portion of your net worth, not the five dollars people deposit into a dice site for 3 seconds of fun. no one even gives a second thought to those rolls.
As a gambler, here is my personal professional opinion. Do not try to win big because you will not. You need to know the game you are playing. You need to understand the odds and understand that the House always wins. If I am betting 20,000 Satoshi, I will dip out when I win 2.5% for each gamble I am doing. It does not seem like a lot, however if you roll it over all in over and over, in about 500 turns you will have a nice chunk of change. The key is getting to that 500 mark. I am in day 34 of my project with this and I have over 2,000,000 Satoshi or .02 BTC from doing this. I always cut back 1/2 when I double allowing me to play again if I loose out, which I have. Hope this helps you build your strategy. Good luck.
professional implies you gamble for a living, and if youre talking about 50 cent - 10 dollar bets, youre probably not a professional gambler