Some of the tips you outlined in Op are very helpful in dealing with the increase in expenses rather than income. Almost everyone knows the problems faced when expenses are greater than income, but methods like this are very easy to say but very difficult to implement for most people. People whose income is much higher than their expenses may be able to avoid overspending and are disciplined in doing so, but for some people whose income is limited, it is very difficult to prevent this due to unexpected needs.
Maybe they can avoid excessive spending by prioritizing needs over desires, but unexpected expenses such as medical expenses, children's school fees and vehicle maintenance costs cannot be avoided. Having a mediocre income is very annoying because it can hinder the process of investing or saving for a better future. Everyone wants to live free from financial problems, but at a certain time they have to dip into their savings to finance unexpected needs.
Spending more than we earn is a disease, in my opinion, that won't go away and can get worse if we just let it go. So as long as it doesn't get worse, take action immediately so that it doesn't lead to an unexpected situation.
Because, to be honest, until now, there are still many people like that, especially those who have a regular job, where they usually just go along with the trend that even if you can buy cheap things, it's because of the trend; even if it's expensive and not suitable, they still buy it just to keep up with the trend and get their luxury, even though in the end they will also suffer, something that is not right in reality.