For me the ways I avoid spending unnecessarily is to set a monthly budget for myself, this varies in individuals and thus depend on your source of income, your budget style should be focused on what you get monthly, financial planning matters to any person who want to avoid reckless spending, you should never shift your ground whenever you make this decision unless is in the case of an emergency that's when you can do otherwise.
I have applied this process and has been working for me. Once I get funds be it monthly or weekly, I first buy my pressing needs, like foodstuffs, I pay my bills, get a date for my phone, add up some amount of money my investment after doing all this, then am good to go.
Yes, that's a pretty good suggestion because by setting a consistent budget amount every month then we will be able to save more, and also for how I think you can do research first about what you really need, if you have done it then you will know how much you need every month. And of course this can only be done by each person regarding financial management like this, because as you said everyone has a different income each amount, so only they know and can balance it.
I'm sure they can do it, but maybe for people who have an amount of income far from what they expect and do not meet their monthly living needs I think this is quite confusing because they have to be really extra in managing their finances, and also on the other hand I hope they can take other actions to improve their finances such as looking for additional jobs. Back to the discussion above, I agree with you that we must really be able to distinguish what is meant by needs and wants, don't let you be fooled by needs that turn out to be just a desire for something that is not very important and useful for your life. If you really have more money then it's better to save it, it's better to save or allocate it to some investment assets that you trust because it is also for your benefit in the future. We will never know what will happen in the future, so in this way at least we have taken some actions to minimize.
Right, the first step when we get a salary from work is to focus more on allocating all your life needs such as basic needs whether it's food, electricity, water or whatever. And if there is money left over then it's better to save it, it's better.