Saving is important, but don't let it affect your health. If we want to save money, we must not depend on just one job. In the sense that we have to open a new business or look for side jobs such as trading and others, so that we have additional income to save.
Ignoring health for reasons of saving is a bad decision and I don't think this is the right decision. Health will be far more important than money and the better health we have, the more productive we will be in making money. How is it possible for people to save if their health is compromised and where can they get the money from.
That's the best thing, developed additional skills and find side hustle that can give you decent amount of profits to add to your finances, with such kind of addition you'll be able to save more.
Just like what you said, don't compromised your health as it's important to address concerns about
your mental and physical capabilities, with all being set and done you'll be able to established good
financial stand avoid any problem in the future.